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Midlands Hospice has a  continued need to grow and to improve our effectiveness,efficiency  and sustainability when providing our service to the community.  Please look through the list and remember, we are more than happy with any donation.  Even if it is not on this list, we are able to sell preloved goods through our Preloved Shop to assist in our fundraising…

– Medication to manage patients’ difficult symptoms (Paracetamol, Lacson Syrup, Gastropect, cough mixture, Brufen)

– Uniforms for 20 permanent staff members: 8 clinical employees, 5 administration employees, and 7 shop assistants

– Windbreakers or jackets for all 22 staff members

– Branded gazebo, flags, banners, tablecloths, and chairs for marketing and fundraising events

– A speaker/sound system for fundraising events, which would eliminate our current hiring costs

– Plastic folding tables for our fundraing events

– A Bluetooth projector for PowerPoint presentations, along with a speaker and compatible laptop, to assist with marketing and the training courses that our hospice nurses regularly present

– A container to convert into a lockable, safe space for storing donated items for sale in the hospice pre-loved shops, as we struggle with space

– An office revamp, including the removal of worn-out carpets and the installation of new flooring throughout our offices and shop

– Improved security, including a sturdy perimeter fence and a remote-operated gate

– A 1-ton double cab bakkie to replace our 20-year-old Mazda Drifter. Our nurses often navigate challenging rural roads, and there are times when vehicles cannot proceed further, so we continue our care journey on foot. A high-clearance vehicle is essential for accessing these areas.

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