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Charitable bequests allow individuals to preserve their values within their wills, creating gifts that uplift others while honoring their legacy or cherished ones. This can bring immense satisfaction by extending a hand to those in need. A bequest is a small alteration to your existing will, and a simple codicil may be added—you need not have an entirely new will drawn up.

Leaving a legacy to Hospice can be done in several ways:

Your gift enables someone to live out their final days with dignity – pain free and emotionally supported.

You may choose to provide new facilities or equipment

Funds for bursaries to train and upskill the nurses; or help create employment for a dedicated care team

You may choose to leave your possessions, items of value, furniture, even a vehicle which can be used or

sold to regenerate much needed income.

To leave a legacy contact our General Manager on 033 330 5257

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